The Rio Church Rebrand

If you came to church this morning, you might've noticed our logo (in some places) is different. That is because, starting March 10th, we’ve begun rolling out the new Rio Church brand.

Like many other things, it’s a transition. A transition that will take some time. We would love if one Sunday you’d show up and everything was new and updated to our new brand, but there are time, budget, and logistical limitations.

Without further ado, here is the new Rio Church logo:

So— why a new brand and why now?
The move to our new building marked a new chapter in the life of Rio Church. After 7 years of being an active church, we now have a better idea of who we are and what God intends us to be. Over the last 7 years, the Lord has shaped Rio in ways we expected and in other ways we didn’t. The logo we’ve grown accustomed to served Rio during its infancy but we’ve matured as a church and congregation. Now that we are in a new neighborhood, visible to a whole new audience— we wanted to update our brand to reflect Rio Church truthfully, and to bring glory to God.

Here's a glimpse of what's to come:
We ask for your patience.
It’s our goal to have the new brand up as soon as possible. In the interim, we appreciate your patience in this weird transitional period with the old and new brand coexisting. As explained before there are several reasons why we can’t do it all at once, including financial. If you feel led to give above and beyond your normal tithe towards this rebrand to help speed things along you can do so in the usual places. Just direct your donation to the “future home fund”. We have clings, signs, business cards, invitations, A-Frames, banners, app updates, amongst many other things not listed here. Any other form of help is welcome. It’s a big job but it’s one we are incredibly excited for and the potential it has to bring more people in to our church.

This is just the first step.
A brand is a powerful tool and is the foundation for many more things. It helps us stand out from all the noise, as a legitimate presence to be taken seriously in this neighborhood. A brand is the foundation that allows to do marketing and outreach to more hearts that need to hear the gospel.

Any questions?
Feel free to talk to one of our pastors or the design ministry leader, Chris Chappell, for any questions regarding this change.

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